Registration Procedures
legal registration
1. A death should be registered in the district in which it has occurred within 5 days (although in some cases this may not be possible). The doctor’s Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) will be prepared by the doctor who attended the deceased during their last illness, this will usually be emailed to the Registrar before you register. It is advisable to call the doctor / bereavement service to confirm this has been completed before you make an appointment with the Registrar.
2. The Registrar will need the following information about the deceased:
• Full name
• Date and place of birth
• Date and place of death
• Marital status
• Home address
• Last occupation (even if retired)
• If married at date of death – date of birth of surviving partner
• If female and either married or widowed, maiden name and husband’s full name and occupation
3. The Registrar will issue a GREEN CERTIFICATE. This is used to verify the identity of the deceased, and will need to be supplied to us before the funeral can take place.
4. If the death is referred to the Coroner, it would be advisable to contact us so that provisional arrangements can be made prior to the Coroner giving permission for the registration and the funeral to take place.